About Us
We take a professional approach in teaching the performing arts to children between the ages of three and eighteen years old.
All of our teachers have a wealth of experience and collectively we teach dancing, acting and singing skills in the important wider context of the performing arts and theatre covering storytelling, sound, movement and stage presence.
Estrellas opened their doors in 2003, providing children in Tenerife between the ages of three and eighteen the opportunity to be taught the performing arts including acting, singing and dancing. The curriculum also includes the opportunity of taking LAMDA classes and examinations in both acting and musical theatre.
In 2010 Maureen Sands became the owner and director of Estrellas Theatre School. She is a forerunner in the advancement of the performing arts here in Tenerife and has built an exceptional reputation throughout the island as a leader in the field of arts education. A graduate of Glasgow University, with a degree in Education, specializing in Drama studies, Maureen has been an active director, educator and community contributor where she encourages all her pupils to strive for excellence.

Quality training that is accessible to all.
A child’s energy, enthusiasm and commitment are the only requirements we ask for. Our unique, step-by-step curriculum enables Estrellas students to build a thorough understanding of the performing arts including developing technique, confidence, imagination, teamwork and individual expression along the way.
We create opportunities for our students to perform.
Estrellas Theatre School hosts a yearly show where all students get the opportunity to participate on stage in front of an audience, as well as entry into talent competitions and collaborating and performing at charity events.
We create international opportunities for our students.
At Estrellas Theatre School we offer help, support and in-house assessment and preparation of students who wish to further their career in the performing arts in the UK, Europe or America.
We are currently based in five different location
in the beautiful island of Tenerife
Do you want to join Estrellas? Click here